Based on feedback from our clients, we have put together a set of program sequences we think you will like. We can also combine programs, or design one based on your specific requirements ,creating an experience unique to your company.
For rates, more details, and to schedule your session, please contact us.
Morning Wake-Up.
A great way to start the day. An invigorating sequence designed to get you up , moving and energized!
Lunchtime Stretch.
An uplifting sequence of shoulder, back & neck stretches combined with hip openers guaranteed to get you out from behind your desk and moving.
Afternoon Kick Start.
A sequence designed specifically to give you that afternoon coffee and cake experience without the caffeine and sugar.
Stress Buster.
A relaxing sequence designed to quiet your mind and reduce tension. Less 'asana' and more meditation, the focus is on conscious relaxation and stress reduction through breathing.
After Work Relaxation Session.
'Yin' yoga combined with relaxation techniques puts you in a great frame of mind for the evening ahead.
Introduction to Yoga (10 week session) , L1 (5 week workshop).
Specific instruction on learning basic poses , before progressing to sequences and more advanced asanas. A good foundation-builder for students who wish to explore yoga outside of work-related sequences. At the end of 'Introduction to Yoga ' you will know the basic poses and have progressed to a 60 - 90 min sequence based on the Ashtanga series. 'L1' explores inversions, arm balances and advanced poses . You must have completed 'Introduction to Yoga' before signing up for this session.
Conferences, Workshops & Retreats.
We provide instructors for conferences, retreats, and employee workshops - you tell us where to be , and we bring the props!
Private Lessons (in home or at work).
Any of the sequences can be combined to create a unique program designed with your level of comfort in mind.